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X Festival Internazionale della musica da camera e d’orchestra «SIBERIA-EUROPA» 2011
X Международный Фестиваль Камерно-Оркестровой Музыки «СИБИРЬ-ЕВРОПА» 2011
X The International Festival of a chamber-orchestral music «SIBERIA-EUROPE» 2011
14 settembre – 1 ottobre 2011 Krasnojarsk



Dal 14 settembre al 1 ottobre 2011 alla città siberiana di Krasnojarsk si svolgerà X Festival Internazionale della musica da camera e d’orchestra «SIBERIA-EUROPA» 2011.
In tutto nel quadro del festival «SIBERIA-EUROPA» ci saranno sette concerti.
Krasnojàrsk (russo: Красноярск) è una città della Russia siberiana centrale. Sorge sulle rive del fiume Enissej (Енисей), a metà del suo corso. È la terza più grande città siberiana, importante centro industriale e nodo di comunicazione ferroviario (è una stazione importante della Ferrovia Transiberiana).
Ten years is an important time mark, it is the time when we can sum up preliminarily and be confident to say, that the festival «Siberia-Europe» has become a tradition of our city, a real holiday of musical art, the unique possibility to listen to out-of-the-way classical works and compositions of modern composers performed by leading European soloists and the Krasnoyarsk chamber orchestra conducted by Michael Benyumov.
On the Krasnoyarsk stage there have already played performers from Germany, Austria, France, and Poland. The present festival is being opened by the outstanding Italian conductor Piero Belluggi. It is symbolical twice: 2011 year is the Year of Italy in Russia, besides, namely Maestro Belluggi was the guest of honour of the very first forum, just with his happy touch the history of the festival started, and once again Krasnoyarsk has confirmed its status of a significant cultural centre of the country and in the world.
The Krasnoyarsk territory is generous and rich not only with its natural resources, but also with its creative resources, what is more important. Talented musicians will meet again on the kind, hospitable Krasnoyarsk soil. Again an overfilled hall will applaud enthusiastically. Again fine music will begin to sound.
Ludwig van Beethoven said: «Music should strike fire from the heart of man». Let this noble fire, burning in the hearts of participants of the festival, stay unquenchable and bright! I wish you inspiration, success and all the best!

Program of X Krasnoyarsk international festival of chamber-orchestral music «Siberia-Europe»
During the festival with the support of The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation from 7th to 20th, September, 2011 for pupils of the Children’s Art school, students of the Art College and the Academy there will be master classes of outstanding musicians from Italy in the Small hall of the Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Music and Theatre:
Gabriella Sborgi (mezzo-soprano)
David Bellugi (flute)
Filippo Faes (piano)
Anna Serova (viola)
The detailed schedule will be announced on the 1st, September, 2011

14th September – Opening of the festival
The Maly Concert Hall. The beginning is at 19.00
Krasnoyarsk premiere
R. Luciani Concert "Di Anacro"
L. Berio «Folk songs» (suite for Mezzo-soprano and Orchestra)
G. Rossini Overture "Signor Bruschino"
L. Cherubini Aria of Neris «Solo un pianto» from the opera «Medea»
L. Cherubini Symphony in D Major
Krasnoyarsk chamber orchestra
Soloists: David Bellugi (flute, Italy), Gabriella Sborgi (Mezzo-soprano, Italy)
Conductor: Piero Bellugi (Italy)

16th September
The Maly Concert Hall. The beginning is at 19.00
G. Pergolesi «Stabat Mater»
W. A. Mozart Aria "L'amero', saro' costante" from the opera «Il re Pastore» for Soprano, Violin and Orchestra (Krasnoyarsk premiere)
C. Gounod Aria of Juliette "Je veux vivre" from the opera «Romeo and Juliette»
F. Schubert – F. Liszt Fantasy «Wanderer» for Piano and Orchestra (Krasnoyarsk premiere) To the 200th-anniversary of F. Liszt
Krasnoyarsk chamber orchestra
Soloists: Sonia Bellugi (soprano, Italy), Gabriella Sborgi (Mezzo-soprano, Italy), Rimma Benyumova (violin, Krasnoyarsk), Filippo Faes (piano, Italy) Conductor: Piero Bellugi (Italy)

19th September
The Maly Concert Hall. The beginning is at 19.00
M. Bruch Romance for Viola and Orchestra (Krasnoyarsk premiere)
A. Dvorzak «A thought» for Viola and Orchestra
I. Turina «Andalusian scene» for Viola and Orchestra
A. Dvorzak Serenade
Krasnoyarsk chamber orchestra
Soloist: Anna Serova (viola, Italy)
Conductor: Filippo Faes (Italy)

22th September
The Maly Concert Hall. The beginning is at 19.00
A. Vivaldi Synphony in G Major
T. Albinoni Adagio
N. Rota Concerto for Strings (To the 100th-anniversary of N. Rota)
L. Beethoven Concerto for Violin and Orchestra
Krasnoyarsk chamber orchestra
Soloist: Tomash Tomashevsky (violin, Poland)
Conductor: Michael Benyumov

23th September
The Maly Concert Hall. The beginning is at 19.00
W. A. Mozart Divertimentos КV 138
A. Vivaldi Concerto for three Violins and Orchestra in F Major
Krasnoyarsk chamber orchestra
Soloists: Tomash Tomashevsky (violin, Poland), Michael Benyumov (violin, Krasnoyarsk), Rimma Benyumova (violin, Krasnoyarsk)
W. A. Mozart Concerto for two Pianos and Orchestra (Krasnoyarsk premiere)
Soloists: Elena Nogaeva (piano, Germany), Larisa Маrkosyan (piano, Krasnoyarsk)
J. Hummel Concerto for Violin, Piano and Orchestr (Krasnoyarsk premiere)
Soloists: Tomash Tomashevsky (violin, Poland), Elena Nogaeva (piano, Germany)
Conductor: Leo Kremer (Germany)

1th October – Closing of the festival
The Organ Hall. The beginning is at 19.00
J. S. Bach Overture in E Major
G. Handel Concerto for Organ and Orchestra «Cuckoo and Nightingale» (Krasnoyarsk premiere)
A. Corelli Concerto Grosso № 1
J. Haydn Concerto for Organ and Orchestra
W. A. Mozart Divertimentos КV 136
Krasnoyarsk chamber orchestra
Soloist and conductor: Leo Kremer (organ, Germany)


SIBERIA - EUROPA festival.jpg
Descrizione: X Festival Internazionale della musica da camera e d’orchestra «SIBERIA-EUROPA» 2011
X The International Festival of a chamber-orchestral music «SIBERIA-EUROPE» 2011 www.siberia-europe.narod.ru 
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SIBERIA - EUROPA festival.jpg

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